Gerald Pauling, H-F Class of ’85

Who I Am
I am Gerald L. Pauling, II — HF Class of ’85. I am the proud Father of Shelby (Class of 2016), Winston (Class of 2019) and William (Class of 2021). And I am the proud husband of Eugenia (Lindbloom Tech, Class of ’84), my wife of 27 years. I have lived in the HF community for nearly 40 years; we moved here when I was 12 years old. I attended James Hart Junior High School, where my mom, Rosetta Pauling, was an English teacher for 20 years. I attended HF from 1981 to 1985 — I was the Quarterback and a captain of the football team, News and Sports Director at WHFH Radio, and a Teen Leader in Operation Snowball. I had a great experience at HF. I have two brothers who also attended HF — Brian (Class of ’88) and Carlos (Class of ’91). I currently live in Flossmoor with my wife and children. Professionally, I am an Equity Partner at Seyfarth Shaw LLP, where I have built an employment law practice representing employers and employer organizations. In addition to my law practice, I have served on a number of for-profit and not-for-profit boards, such as the Board of Directors of Great Lakes Bank, the Independent Review Board of Governors State University, the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and the Board of Directors of Teen Living Programs.
Why I Serve On The Board
I served on the District 233 Board of Education from 2012 to 2017. I was reappointed in October of 2018. During the time I’ve served on the Board, I have chaired the Personnel Committee (which provides oversight to the district regarding human resources and personnel matters), was a member of the Planning Committee (which provides oversight regarding curriculum development, and student and staff development), and currently am Vice President and Secretary of the Board. I enjoy the opportunity to use my legal background and training, and my experience as an H-F student, parent and community member to advance the great work being done at our high school. I am proud of the work I’ve done during my years on the Board – helping to bring world-class facilities (like our field house and our state of the art television station) and world-class programs (like the IB program and the Fine Arts Academy) to H-F. I am proud that we as a community are providing our students, teachers, and administrators the resources, tools, and support they need to make H-F a school in which we can all take pride.
So, Who Am I?? I Am H-F!! And So Are YOU .. WE Are H-F!!
I believe...
I believe in giving back and “paying it forward.” My H-F education and experiences in this community opened doors for me and created opportunities that helped make me who I am today. I serve on the board to help others build a foundation for their future and find their doors of opportunity.
I believe in our youth and I am invested in them. I am a parent, a Jr Vikings football coach, an H-F Victors youth mentor, and much more. The success of my children, my players, my mentees and of ALL our youth is important to me. I serve on the board because I am committed to ensuring that we create as many opportunities as possible for our youth.
I believe our children need role models they know. Mentors and role models were instrumental to my success. When our youth see people they know leading and achieving, they believe that they, too, can lead and achieve. I serve on the board to be accessible to young people, to encourage them to be leaders in the community, and to be an example of how they can serve, lead and succeed.

Experience matters...
I possess skills and experience that are helpful to many issues the Board confronts. As one of the largest employers in our area, our school addresses the needs of hundreds of district employees. Our school board routinely is called upon to review and address important issues related to new and existing employment laws, personnel matters and HR compliance issues. Although I do not provide legal advice as a board member, my experience and knowledge of HR law and practice provide helpful context when the Board is addressing these important issues.
As importantly, our student body, faculty, staff, administration are all very diverse, on many levels. Our school board should reflect diversity too. I not only am diverse but also I am a trained diversity executive and a diversity officer at my law firm. I have extensive knowledge — and actual experience –developing and implementing programs that create and sustain diversity and inclusion.